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"Sharing Your Story, Could Become Someone Elses Lifeline"

Brene Brown

Origin Story!

Updated: Apr 6

Hi There!

I'm Ria, a 40-year-old lass juggling a bunch of roles: I'm a Human, a Mum, a Wife, a Daughter, a Veteran, Engineer, Educationalist, Senior Manager, Personal Development Coach and now an Entrepreneur...

Oh... I have also, relatively recently, discovered that I have ADHD as well, just to throw some extra complexity into the mix!

Yep, my life's a circus, just like yours and everyone else's!

But let's get real – life brought me here... to this point writing this bio for you.

​Well, there was a time when I wore all these hats without the support, resources or tools that I truly needed.

Suffice to say, it went a bit Pete Tong for a bit.

It was only when when my melon got twisted that I resourced what was required...

I asked for help!

Upon receipt of said support, tools, resources and help I eventually stepped out from the dark side of the moon.

At this point my ever whizzing brain was confuddled...

  1. Why are we only given these things after the cheese has fallen off our cracker?

  2. Is It some sort of sadistic secret?

  3. Surely prevention is better than a cure?

  4. Knowledge is our greatest asset right? But once use is it if we dont share it?


Yet we only know what we know...

For instance, the very un-British (yep thats a word!) concept of considering your own needs.

(Cue dramatic gasp in shock and horror at the mere thought!)

It's ridiculous really that something as straightforward as considering your own needs can feel like a radical departure from the norm.

It's like there's this layer of Britishness, a mix of guilt and societal expectations, that can make putting yourself first seem almost rebellious.

I mean, we've all been in that situation, right? Where we ask someone for help, and they say they're too busy, and we're like:

"Wait, what? But you're the go-to person!"

I mean that's a bit tongue-in-cheek, but it highlights a truth. Fact is we all have limits, and that's okay.

However this seemingly simple thing often eludes us!

This whole concept, plus many more tools that we should have stored within our toolbox of life, doesn't get shouted about nearly enough. It's not in our school curriculums or part of the daily chatter, but it should be!

That's when it hit me: Why not use my experiences, qualifications, skills, and knowledge to help others navigate the chaos of life and business?

And that's how my coaching, training, and content gig came to be.

No more fluff here – I won't bore you anymore with my life story. Let's talk about what my new gig can do for YOU!

I'm on a mission – a no-nonsense mission – to give personal development the attention it deserves.

It's not just a "nice to have" – it's what propels us toward personal and professional growth. Whether you're doing it solo or leading a team, personal development isn't a choice; it's a must.

Because life is messy, and we can't thrive unless we invest in ourselves and make the most of the chaos.

It's about nurturing your growth, powering up your teams, and creating spaces that breed innovation and inclusivity.

When we make personal development a non-negotiable, we sow the seeds of wellbeing and productivity.

Change starts with you.

(Cliché I know, but doesn't make it any less true!)

Invest in YOURSELF and YOUR people, and truth is YOU might just stand a chance at authentic happiness.

Not insta happy, but real belly warming, lip curling upwards type happiness.

PLUS we might also just stand a fighting chance at creating real, authentic, and sustainable societal change too.

You never know!

Research and evidence collated by people far cleverer than me, has clearly shown:

It's ALL about our own mindset -- about what I have very northernly coined

"Owning Our Space"

It's about crafting our own narratives, living OUR ideals of success rather than trying to live up to the ideals of others, or harder still trying to change everyone else around us.

Gotta learn to steer your own ship first!! You know what I mean?

In fact I'll say fly our own plane:

1. Im Ex RAF

2. I hate sailing! (Vom)

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