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"Sharing Your Story, Could Become Someone Elses Lifeline"

Brene Brown

Neurodivergent Conditions Screening, Teaching and Training Bill: A Closer Look

Updated: Apr 23

Alright, some pretty big news dropped this week, sparking a lot of intrigue and questions!

So, Matt Hancock just hit us with a bombshell by announcing the Neurodivergent Conditions Screening, Teaching and Training Bill, set to be unveiled on April 23rd, 2024.

It's like the spotlight's on, and we're all eagerly waiting for the show to start—but will it be a hit or a miss?

As we gear up for this significant legislation, revealed through a short, sweet, and, frankly, kind of eye-rolling TikTok post (of all places, really...), it got me thinking. 🤔

Side Note:

About the TikTok comment, maybe it's my inner old grump, or perhaps it's because this bill has the potential to genuinely change and even save lives.

Who knows... But...

It pains me a bit to be honest that it was announced in such a cavalier manner, almost like revealing the latest daft TikTok dance craze!

I guess I'm just not as hip as Hancock these days, but let's refocus, shall we?

So yeah...

While we eagerly await the arrival of this bill, my mind can't help but race with questions:

Who's at the Table?

So, who are the key stakeholders behind this bill?

I’m curious to know who's involved in the mix!

First things first, let's talk about whose voices are being listened to.

Has the bill been shaped with input from those with lived experiences?

It's our collective stories, challenges, and triumphs that should be front and centre in creating a bill that truly gets it!

As the saying goes... well I'll paraphrase:

If you have met one person with neurodivergence then you have met one person with neurodivergence!

Who are the key players in shaping this bill?

How will it slot in?

How will this new policy align with the existing National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines?

Will it fall in line, or is it set to shake things up?

How will it align with all other current services and guidelines?

Either way ensuring a unified approach to screening, assessment, and support services is crucial for making it work effectively.

Handling the Demand

Have you heard about the NHS discussing the 'avalanche' of demand for neurodivergent services?

Especially concerning ADHD and Autism.

(If not, don’t worry I'll be popping the link at the end of this blog.)

With that in mind, what solid plans will be put in place to facilitate screenings, assessments, and ongoing support services?

Will there be specialised teams within educational institutions to support both staff and students during and moving forward?

The pressure on educators is already immense—balancing subject specialisations, teaching methods, and now additional responsibilities in areas such as wellbeing, mental health, social care, Neurodiversity, and more is no small feat!

Sure, anyone working with people full stop, should have a basic understanding of these topics, but ideally, they should simply be able to guide individuals to the right specialist support teams, with confidence that timely and effective assistance will be available.

Unfortunately, that's not the case right now!

This leaves teachers, students, and families facing incredibly tough situations.

There's a mountain of research backing up these claims, has this even been looked at and considered?

Before we pile even more onto educators that are already hanging on by a thread, are there plans for additional specialist support staff in place with the implementation of this new bill?

Training, Testing, and Trust

Next big question: how do we ensure that the training for staff is consistent and fit for purpose?

In a sea of information, some good and some... well, not so good, we need quality control.

I refer you to my last blog post for some more info on this here!

How will the bill guarantee that educators and support staff receive accurate, reliable training that’s not just a one off tick box exercise?

Let's get this right from the start, shall we?

Where Will It Lead Us?

Stepping back, let's consider how this bill fits into the broader picture of our current education system.

If we're truly aiming for change, this bill could be the spark for implementing universal design for learning, right?

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) names a bit misleading, it’s not a universal one size fits all approach as it may sound, its aim is to provide all students with equal and equitable opportunities to succeed.

Understanding UDL means understanding that it's about having flexibility in teaching methods that can adapt to everyone's strengths and needs removing barriers to learning.

This is why UDL benefits ALL learners.

If you want to know more about UDL check out this site here

It's one thing to have screenings, assessments, and maybe even a diagnosis, but having a diagnosis doesn't change the fact that our current education system isn't designed for our neurodiverse population.

Notice the use of the term 'neurodiverse population'—because one size doesn't fit all, no matter the neurotype.

We need to think far beyond a diagnosis when it comes to understanding neurodiversity.

Differences in development, such as executive functioning and emotional regulation, mean that a standard system might not work for many children, whether they fit into diagnostic criteria or not.

This means considering how our education system can accommodate a wide range of developmental differences—and acknowledging that this range could be broader than many realise.

It means starting from individual differences.

Simply providing a standard system and then either blaming or pathologising children when it doesn't work for them isn't gravy!

It's also not right to take one group of children, give them a diagnosis, and say only they need something different, assuming the system works fine for everyone else.

  1. That’s divisive - the exact opposite of inclusion

  2. Never assume - it’s makes an ass out of you and me - corny but true!

Neurodiversity is the norm, not the exception.

A Fresh Strategy or a Political Band Aid?

Finally, we need to ask ourselves if this bill is the beginning of a comprehensive strategy or just a cheap political band-aid guaranteed to lack stickiness!

While the potential for positive change is huge, there's a concern that premature announcements, like the one on TikTok, might lack the depth and structure needed for success.

Will it shake things up in the right way?

Are we prepared for this shift?

What do you think?

Are you hopeful or cynical?

Im one foot on hopes side and the other in camp cynicism I’m sorry to say!!

Fingers crossed 🤞🏼 though this isn't just another flashy announcement, but a true authentic game-changer in the world of neuro-inclusion.

Get ready with your popcorn—April 23rd, 2024, whatever the outcome it will definitely be interesting!

Article on the 'avalanche' on services

What IMUK can do for you!

Inclusive Minds UK is thrilled to offer a comprehensive 6 part series titled:

"From Neurodiversity to Neuro-inclusion: An Introduction."

Our programme undergoes meticulous curation and review in collaboration with a Highly Specialised NHS Clinical Psychological Practitioner and Registered Nurse, individuals with lived experience, and qualified educators. 

This collaborative effort ensures the programme's quality, effectiveness, depth, and relevance.

This initiative is designed to guide participants through the journey of not just recognising neurodiversity but actively fostering an environment where every individual’s mind can flourish. 

We will share practical strategies, best practices, and actionable steps to create spaces that celebrate the unique strengths of each individual.

The aim of this initiative is multifold:

For Businesses:

  • Enhance productivity and efficiency

  • Expand employment opportunities for individuals with neurodifferences

  • Improve talent retention rates

  • Foster innovation and problem-solving

  • Reduce turnover costs

  • Minimise absenteeism and presenteeism

  • Lower training expenditures

  • Mitigate legal risks

For Educational Institutions:

  • Elevate student success and academic achievements

  • Enhance retention and graduation rates

  • Increase teacher effectiveness

  • Encourage diversity of thought and innovation

  • Reduce costs related to special education

  • Diminish dropout rates

  • Ensure compliance with legal requirements

Our programme caters to a diverse audience, including HR,Diversity & Inclusion Professionals, Managers, Team Leaders, Employees, Educators, School Administrators, and Change-makers.

In addition to our series, Inclusive Minds UK also offers others workshops and programmes plus bespoke solutions and services, check them out here.

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Ali @Mojo-in-mind
Ali @Mojo-in-mind

I have to say I've been more inspired by launches than this one. Like you the TikTok launch feels badly placed and I'd like some more information. There is a need for quality control but I also think that has to be a measured approach or we risk stifling innovation and learning. The landscape has to improve as the level of misinformation is frankly scary leading to really bad advice and even worse delivery. That does not help. Misinformation hinders not helps and doesn't result in the support, understanding or inclusion that is badly required. I also am frustrated by how offhand and dismissive some view points can be. However, anything that improves access to badly needed suppo…

Ria Jackson
Ria Jackson

Exactly Ali!

There was nothing inspired about the announcement and it wasn’t loud enough for my liking!

We are 1 in 5 not a minority but a substantial percentage of the population.

The offhand dismissive points you make albeit frustrating, I find are generally born from a lack of understanding and knowledge.

So the quiet and almost timid nature of announcements as monumental as this, are even more frustrating as they do nothing to help to spread awareness or pave the way for acceptance and change!

It’s the community itself that’s doing that!


Like you my current status is:

Watch and Wait…

Watch and Wait!

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