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"Sharing Your Story, Could Become Someone Elses Lifeline"

Brene Brown

Cracking the Festive Stress Code

Updated: Apr 6

Ah, the festive season - a time of twinkling lights, Christmas songs, mulled wine and the subtle background hum of stress creeping into our lives. 

If you find yourself caught in the tinsel-twisted web of seasonal pressure, fear not; you're not alone in this holly-jolly struggle.

The Tinsel Tightrope: Balancing Those Expectations! 

Ah, the classic juggling act of to-do lists – from guest lifts to gift lists, food lists, job lists, and the meta-lists of lists because, well, #lists are life this time of year! 

And then the grand spectacle of the office party - navigating awkward small talk, embarking on a quest for the glitziest outfit (sequins, anyone?). 

Then there is the inevitable influx of invites from friends and family, and if you've got little ones, brace yourself for the million and one school activities. 

We're talking nativity shows, pantomimes, Christmas jumper days (cue the frantic last-minute shopping spree), the quest for those elusive pound coins to fund each festive event (who even has pound coins? I NEVER have any cash on me these days! Do you?). 

Oh, and of course, the ever-charming "Elf on a Shelf" – courtesy of the grandparents (cheers for that gift, right? 🙄). Because nothing says 'Christmas' quite like a tiny, mischievous elf wreaking havoc in your home and the responsibility to not only remember to do it but be creative about it! 

And let's not forget the hyperactive, sugar-fuelled rug rats themselves – because what's Christmas without their boundless energy, excitement and chaos? 

It's a festive frenzy! 

Now throw in the pressure to create a Christmas masterpiece… The feast! Courtesy of Jamie Oliver and all our other beloved celeb chefs and their shows! 

It’s akin to attempting the impossible feat of balancing a flaming Christmas pudding on your nose while riding a unicycle that's also, you guessed it, on fire across a tightrope! It's a culinary circus act that deserves a standing ovation – or perhaps a fire extinguisher! 

It can be a reyt performance that deserves applause, yet often leads to moments of sheer chaos and ends in frustration, tears and STRESS! 

Ria’s Top tip: Embrace the imperfect! Remember, perfection is a complete myth, and your slightly wonky gingerbread house is a masterpiece in its own right. 

And I’m northern so let's talk gravy – using Gravy Granules is A-OK.

No need to sacrifice precious time squeezing homemade gravy from a pair of tights; trust me, been there, done that.

Three reasons why it's not worth the hassle: 

  1. There's never enough

  2. It's not that extraordinary

  3. The cringe-worthy crunching and slushing sounds will no doubt make you sick in your own mouth! 🤢


Familial Drama! 

Family gatherings, the beating heart of the festive season, where joy and potential minefields go hand in hand.

Brace yourself for the age-old classics: "When's the big day?" and "Any grandkids on the horizon?" served with a side of unsolicited parenting tips, and critiques on your home decor that could rival a BBC home makeover show. 

It’s like the worst episode of Britains Got Talent, where everyone transforms into a judge, and the scoring is as enigmatic as figuring out where on Earth Uncle Knobhead gets his money from! 

It's a festive spectacle where opinions reign supreme, and navigating the familial talent show is as challenging as decoding the Davinci code. (This reminded me of Drop Dead Fred 'Argh! The Mega Bitch Reigns Supreme!" One of my all times favs! Where I fell in love with Rik Mayall.)

Ah, family – there's nowt as frustrating or hilariously unpredictable. BUT nowt that you love more...

We've mastered the art of getting under each other's skin, haven't we?

It's a festive symphony of quirks, quarrels, and quick-witted banter. Mixed with nostalgia, love and emotions.

And BOOM just when you think you've got the Xmas menu down, enter the new partners, complete with unexpected dietary requirements that thicken the plot. 

Suddenly, it's not just about avoiding Aunt Mabel's boozed drenched trifle, so potent it will burn your nose hairs off just by smelling it; it's navigating a culinary puzzle of gluten-free, dairy-free, tofu, and "I only eat purple food on Tuesdays" requests. 

Oh, the joys of a truly British family gathering! 

Ria's Top tip: Forge your mini escape plan.

Consider a well-timed stroll – a bonus if you have a dog in tow; after all, they still demand their daily walks! 

Find solace in a quiet corner, indulge in a rejuvenating deep-breathing exercise (trust me, it works wonders), or strategically dial up your 'BFF' for a phone call masked as a heartfelt "thank you for the gifts" chat. 

These tactical manoeuvres can be your secret weapons, offering moments of serenity amidst the familial festive freak outs!


The Mythical Work-Life-Festivity Balance

Balancing work commitments with the call of festive celebrations is a feat that rivals the coordination of Santa's global gift delivery but without the support or joy of the magical reindeer! 

Navigating looming deadlines, the clashes in diaries between meetings, family gathering’s, nativity plays and Santa visits. 

Plus the notorious Secret Santa pressure, and surviving the aftermath of cringe-worthy office party shenanigans– we've all been there, haven't we?

Add in the task of distributing Christmas cards, bringing in festive treats and suddenly, the festive season becomes a juggling act that would make even Santa himself raise an eyebrow.

Ria's Top tip: Prioritise your peace.

Guard your festive sanity like it’s the last purple chocolate in the Quality Street box! 

Master the art of NO—use it generously when festive obligations threaten your serenity. Wear the Christmas jumper you wore last year, no one actually cares! In the off chance that someone dares to even give you a look about your festive sweater encore, kindly inform them that it's a vintage piece that only gets better with age, unlike certain office dramas! (Maybe leave the last bit out, not very positive really lol!)

For an eco-friendly touch, unleash the blanket e-card extravaganza! 

Let everyone in the office bask in the glow of your commitment to sustainability.

Also you could use the money you would have spent on buying Xmas cards to donate to your favourite charity.

Don't just talk the talk; slap a picture of your donation to the charity on that e-card and revel in the glory of being genuinely generous (and mildly smug). 

Remember, you might feel at times that work might be the Grinch trying to steal your festive joy, but you've got the power to keep the magic alive. 

Life isn't an Instagram highlight reel, so resist the urge to out-fabulous the Joneses. 

Skip the secret office battles over who can be the gift-giving genius or who can beat Jane this year to be the cookie-baking champion – nobody really cares as much as you think, they are dealing with their own carry on!

Plus for the love of tinsel, just let Jane shine in her cookie baking glory; it's Christmas, not a bake-off finale!

An older lady in a Santa suit, holding a plate of homebaked cookies
Jane and her homebaked festive cookies!


The Aftermath: Unwrapping the Post-Festive Stress

As the final strains of "Auld Lang Syne" fade away, the aftermath sets in. 

The discarded wrapping paper, the piles of gifts that you now have to find a new home for in your house, that probably already full! There is just NEVER enough storage is there? 

The ghost of festive excesses, and the looming New Year's resolutions create a new unique blend of stress seasoned with a touch of nostalgia.

Top tip: Reflect and reset. Or as I like to call it Stop, Drop and Roll! 

Take a moment to Stop what you are doing, hit the pause button, breathe!

Then Drop: drop the negative energy, thoughts and inner critic - reflect on the positives, I mean acknowledge the stressors but put a realistic spin on it: are they life threatening? Will you or anyone else even remember it in 5 years? 

Also approach the New Year with realistic intentions rather than harsh resolutions. 

Be intentional, realistic and Roll with it!

I would love to wake up ripped, rich and ‘rizz’ on January 2nd but hey in the words of meatloaf 2 out of 3 ain’t bad! Lmao 😜. (Told you I would use rizz somewhere Molly!! 😂😂😂)


Ultimately what I’m saying is that in the grand old festive circus, remember that YOUR well-being deserves the spotlight too. 

Embrace the chaos, drop the unrealistic pursuit of perfection.

Remember it’s generally the mishap’s, the imperfections and ultimately the people we are with, that we cherish the most and that form the best memories anyway! 

Find joy in the unexpected, humour in your day to day, laugh it out, dance it out and above all else… take it easy on yourself! 

All that matters is that you are warm, fed and with the people you love even if you do burn the turkey and end up eating pizza! 

After all, 'tis the season to be jolly, not jolly well stressed! 

(Im so proud of how British this line sounds, please say it with a very strong posh accent!).


For more practical strategies and support why not join me on the Christmas special stress less workshop on the 19th of December! 

To check your current stress levels why not try the FREE online Stress Check Quiz! 

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